

How to Post To Blogger With Your Cell phone

How to Post To Blogger With Your Cell phone Many websites that provide for mobile functionality require cellphone users to have an expensive data plan for their cellphone account. However, Google found a way to provide all cellphone users with the ability to moblog with nothing more than a text message. However, if you do have a data plan, Google also offers the ability to post even more content, including images, to your blog by simply emailing your post to a special Blogger email account. Step 1 – Register For A Mobile Blog Setting up your phone to moblog with Blogger is very simple. First, you just need to either text or email a message “REGISTER” to from your phone. In my case, I have a data plan, so I used Yahoo Go to send the email to Blogger. Register Cellphone Within barely thirty seconds of sending the email, I received the following response back from Blogger. Registration Confirmation A few seconds after receiving this response, I received a second response with my new blog name and the claim code. This code is how you can connect this particular device with any blog you like. Step 2 – Enable Your Mobile Blog With The Claim Token The next step is to use the code to claim your new blog. To do this, get on any regular computer (not your mobile device) and visit On the right side of the page you’ll find this Sign In area. Claim Code Enter in the claim code that Blogger just emailed to you, enter the human code below it, and then click continue. Step 3 – Configure your existing blog as your mobile blog If you sent the “REGISTER” command with the same email address that you used to register existing blogs with Blogger, the system will recognize that you have other blogs, and provide you with the option to connect your mobile device with those blogs. Forward to Blog The new blog assigned to my mobile device was femmzyees1976, but on this screen, Blogger recognizes that I have three other blogs and offers the option to change where my mobile posts are published. Finally, I click “Switch to Better Content,” and I’m done with the registration and set up process. If you don’t have any other blogs, then you can keep the default blog that Blogger created for you as your new mobile blog. Also, if you sent the “REGISTER” command from a different email address, you’ll need to go into your mobile blog and modify the “Mobile Devices” setup displayed on your Blogger Dashboard page. How to Make a Mobile Blog Post Now that the mobile account is set up to forward posts to the correct blog, all you need to do is make a post! If you are sending Instant Messages to to create your posts, the procedure is pretty straightforward. The MMS text you type in becomes the post. If you send an email from your phone, you have a little more flexibility. If you send an email from your phone to, the subject becomes the post title, the body becomes the post itself, and you can even insert pictures as you would with a regular blog post. To test it out, I sent the following email to First mobile post After sending off the email, within just a few seconds I received confirmation back from the Blogger gateway that the post was successful. I couldn’t believe it posted so fast, but sure enough, when I checked my blog I discovered the post. Successful Post This is the first time I’ve ever seen the capability to convert data from a mobile phone into a web page so quickly. However, this sort of technology is booming. Now, you can also share photos, or post to YouTube, eBay, or Facebook. There’s no end in sight to both the possibilities and the potential for this kind of technology that integrates your mobile world with your online world. Today, there really is no such thing as being “offline.” Do you post to your blog with your cellphone? If so, what have been your experiences with it? Good? Bad? What about moblogging to other blogging platforms such as WordPress?


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